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Jazz Bunker ide u penziju
Završena je još jedna radijska sezona u zagrebačkom Studentskom centru, Radio SC ide na godišnji odmor, a Jazz Bunker više neće biti emitovan. Do daljnjeg će ovaj blog služiti za povremene recenzije, koncertne izveštaje, i druge tekstove o džezu.
Jazz Bunker, 02. 06. 2009.
nomo - invisible cities (invisible cities, 2009)
medeski, martin & wood - padirecto (radiolarians 2, 2009)
sex mob - black and tan fantasy (sex mob meets medeski, 2009)
sex bob - mob rule 2 (little liza jane) (sex mob meets medeski, 2009)
louis sclavis - lost on the way (lost on the way, 2009)
medeski, martin & wood - amber girls (radiolarians 2, 2009)
medeski, martin & wood - chasen vs suribachi (radiolarians 2, 2009)
anderskov accident - lisbutin e mirkola (newspeak, 2008)
black motor - vainila (vaarat vastukset, 2009)
black motor - alma (vaarat vastukset, 2009)
medeski, martin & wood - padirecto (radiolarians 2, 2009)
sex mob - black and tan fantasy (sex mob meets medeski, 2009)
sex bob - mob rule 2 (little liza jane) (sex mob meets medeski, 2009)
louis sclavis - lost on the way (lost on the way, 2009)
medeski, martin & wood - amber girls (radiolarians 2, 2009)
medeski, martin & wood - chasen vs suribachi (radiolarians 2, 2009)
anderskov accident - lisbutin e mirkola (newspeak, 2008)
black motor - vainila (vaarat vastukset, 2009)
black motor - alma (vaarat vastukset, 2009)
Jazz Bunker, 26. 05. 2009.
the rempis percussion quartet - the disappointment of parsley (the disappointment of parsley, 2009)
dennis gonzález & faruq z. bey - hymn for tomasz stanko (hymn for tomasz stanko, 2009)
dennis gonzález & faruq z. bey - kuntu (hymn for tomasz stanko, 2009)
follow follow - forks of the wa (v. a - variations in time/compiled by andy williams, 2008)
mulatu astatke & the heliocentrics - esketa dance (inspiration information, 2009)
jessica lurie - feathers of devils (zipa buka, 2002)
lucky 7's - sunny's bounce (pluto junkyard, 2009)
mike reed's loose assembly - tezetaye antchi lid (the speed of change, 2008)
dennis gonzález & faruq z. bey - hymn for tomasz stanko (hymn for tomasz stanko, 2009)
dennis gonzález & faruq z. bey - kuntu (hymn for tomasz stanko, 2009)
follow follow - forks of the wa (v. a - variations in time/compiled by andy williams, 2008)
mulatu astatke & the heliocentrics - esketa dance (inspiration information, 2009)
jessica lurie - feathers of devils (zipa buka, 2002)
lucky 7's - sunny's bounce (pluto junkyard, 2009)
mike reed's loose assembly - tezetaye antchi lid (the speed of change, 2008)
Mary Halvorson - Dragon's Head (Firehouse 12, 2008)

Žene u džezu od vajkada su bile egzotika. U formativnim godinama žanra, bile su neprikosnovene vladarke vokalnih ansambala, ali gotovo da je bilo nemoguće videti ih za saksofonom ili nekim drugim tradicionalnim instrumentom.
Situacija je polako počela da se menja krajem šezdesetih, s poslednjim velikim džez revolucijama i početkom post-modernog mešanja svega i svačega. Pijanistkinje Alice Coltrane i Carla Bley su i te kako imale šta da kažu, to jest - odsviraju, a vrata su počela da se otvaraju i za mnoge druge pripadnice tradicionalno ne-džezerskijeg pola.
Na izmaku prve decenije novog milenijuma, ovlašnim pogledom na podžanrove u kojima su se džezerke najviše istakle, sklon sam, na prvi pogled, neočekivanom zaključku - dame caruju fri džez scenom! Ženski senzibilitet se mogao očekivati kod pevački orijentisanih sastava, u velikim bendovima (Carla Bley, Maria Schneider), gde je kompozicija ispred napaljenog, brzometnog soliranja, ali u carstvu avangarde...?
Kad se malo bolje razmisli, upravo ovde je i najveća mogućnost poentiranja - tamo gde su uglavnom carevali agresivni, muževni saksofonisti, biće i najviše prostora za autonomni, lako prepoznatljiv, istančani izraz koji pravi razliku. Neka od najistaknutijih imena ženskog ogranka scene su pijanistkinje Irene Schweizer, Satoko Fujii, Sylvie Courvoisier, saksofonistkinje Lotte Anker, Ingrid Laubrock, Matana Roberts, fenomenalna bubnjarka Susie Ibarra...
I konačno, dolazimo do heroine ovog teksta - vanserijske gitaristkinje Mary Halvorson. Nakon školovanja u njujorškoj New School For Jazz & Contemporary Music, okrenutoj malim ansamblima i savremenom pristupu žanru, od 2002. nastupa s brojnim istaknutim avangardnim muzičarima, a meni najviše zapada za uho rad s Trevor Dunn's Trio Convulsant, gde njeno suptilno muziciranje dolazi u zanimljiv kontrast s metalskim rifovima i agresijom.
Prvi solo radovi, koji se mahom drže u okviru ustanovljenih avangardnih kanona, nisu mi privukli veliku pažnju, a preokret nastaje s prošlogodišnjim albumom Dragon's Head, ne kome u trio formaciji svira s kontrabasistom Johnom Hebertom i bubnjarem Chesom Smithom. Osobeni svirački stil konačno je upotpunjen i nagoveštajem kompozitorskog i aranžerskog sazrevanja, te pronalaženjem muzičara koji se dobro uklapaju u njen koncept.
Dragon's Head balansira između fri džezerskih svetonazora oličenih u avanturističkoj improvizaciji, i donekle rokerskog naboja pesama ispoljenog kroz pitke melodije odsvirane na gitari i čestu upotrebu distorzije. Fokus je, koliko na slobodnim solima i interakciji instrumenata, toliko i na razvijanju tema, a bend svira veoma organski i složno.

Njen ton je lagan kao perce, nežan, ali i dovoljno bistar i prepoznatljiv da ne krene u škripu i devijacije izvan granica notnog sistema. S druge strane, kada oprži po distorziji, uspeva da pronađe pravu boju i meru i da bude, na neki način, veoma ženstvena čak i u izlivima agresije. I naposletku, dosta koristi tremolo/slajd štoseve, tako da sola vrlo često lelujaju, klize, tonovi se izlivaju iz glavnog toka i vraćaju u deliću sekunde, golicaju maštu i nadasve zabavljaju slušaoca.
Što se tiče kolektivnog rada benda, tu sve ide kao po loju - Hebertov ton je snažan, Smith svira raskošno, ali u najvećem delu albuma Halvorsonova sve drži pod kontrolom. Dinamika se ne odvija samo kroz smenu melodija i improvizacije, ili kroz odnose između instrumenata, gde svako može da svira i ritam i solo i da se smenjuje u tim ulogama bez ikakvih naglih brejkova, već i na liniji tiho-glasno, koja je rezultirala u nekoliko izvanrednih varijacija.
Konačan rezultat je opasno dobar i interesantan album. Dinamičan, dramatičan, naizmenično nežan i surov, i nadasve veoma kompaktan u svoj toj slobodi i avanturizmu. Mary Halvorson je skrenula pažnju na sebe ne samo kao još jedna žena koja je pronašla mesto pod suncem u "muškom" žanru, već pre svega kao neko ko je udahnuo novi život džez gitari, i ko će u narednim godinama (tek joj je 29!) imati priliku da naniže još mnoga remek-dela.
Jazz Bunker, 12. 05. 2009.
alex cline - nourishing our roots (continuation, 2009)
alexandra grimal trio - forêts aléatoires (shape - live at the sunset, 2009)
full blast - higgs (black hole, 2009)
stone alliance - vaya mulatto (stone alliance, 1976)
the bridge quartet - strode rode (night, 2009)
the doppler trio - dark eyes (the doppler trio, 2007)
the doppler trio - texican mango (the doppler trio, 2007)
chris batchelor - the road, the sky, the moon (big air, 2009)
the thing - snusvisan (bag it, 2009)
chris batchelor - bracken (big air, 2009)
alexandra grimal trio - forêts aléatoires (shape - live at the sunset, 2009)
full blast - higgs (black hole, 2009)
stone alliance - vaya mulatto (stone alliance, 1976)
the bridge quartet - strode rode (night, 2009)
the doppler trio - dark eyes (the doppler trio, 2007)
the doppler trio - texican mango (the doppler trio, 2007)
chris batchelor - the road, the sky, the moon (big air, 2009)
the thing - snusvisan (bag it, 2009)
chris batchelor - bracken (big air, 2009)
Jaz Bunker, 05. 05. 2009.
the thing - hidegen fujinaka szelek (bag it, 2009)
the thing - drop the gun (bag it, 2009)
thomas chapin - pantheon (insomnia, 1992)
rempis percussion quartet - c slash sold at a ten percent discount (the disappointment of parsley, 2009)
denman maroney quintet - identity V (identity, 2009)
william parker ensemble - the inside song (the inside song of curtis mayfield, 2007)
the thing - drop the gun (bag it, 2009)
thomas chapin - pantheon (insomnia, 1992)
rempis percussion quartet - c slash sold at a ten percent discount (the disappointment of parsley, 2009)
denman maroney quintet - identity V (identity, 2009)
william parker ensemble - the inside song (the inside song of curtis mayfield, 2007)
Jazz Bunker, 21. 04. 2009.
the nu band - lower east side blues (lower east side blues, 2009)
daniel levin trio - shape (fuhuffah, 2008)
guitto gargle - histerica sed (guitto gargle, 2008)
clouseaux - the awful green things from outerspace (beyond good and evil, 2006)
natsumen - no reason up to the death (one more summer shit, 2009)
clouseaux - beyond good and evil (beyond good and evil, 2006)
mary halvorson trio - sweeter than you (no. 4) (dragon's head, 2008)
the nu band - avanti galoppi (lower east side blues, 2009)
mike reed's loose assembly - the entire state of florida (last year's ghost, 2007)
daniel levin trio - shape (fuhuffah, 2008)
guitto gargle - histerica sed (guitto gargle, 2008)
clouseaux - the awful green things from outerspace (beyond good and evil, 2006)
natsumen - no reason up to the death (one more summer shit, 2009)
clouseaux - beyond good and evil (beyond good and evil, 2006)
mary halvorson trio - sweeter than you (no. 4) (dragon's head, 2008)
the nu band - avanti galoppi (lower east side blues, 2009)
mike reed's loose assembly - the entire state of florida (last year's ghost, 2007)
Jazz Bunker, 14. 04. 2009.
indigo trio - sho ya right (anaya, 2009)
conference call - the shining star (poetry in motion, 2008)
jeff gauthier goatette - satellites and sideburns (house of return, 2008)
mike reed's loose assembly - day of the dead (last year's ghost, 2007)
steve adams trio - equilibria (surface tension, 2009)
svein finnerud trio - plastic sun (plastic sun, 1970)
indigo trio - song for ma'at (ma-ah-t) (anaya, 2009)
indigo trio - wheatgrass (anaya, 2009)
mike reed's loose assembly - ghost writer (last year's ghost, 2007)
conference call - the shining star (poetry in motion, 2008)
jeff gauthier goatette - satellites and sideburns (house of return, 2008)
mike reed's loose assembly - day of the dead (last year's ghost, 2007)
steve adams trio - equilibria (surface tension, 2009)
svein finnerud trio - plastic sun (plastic sun, 1970)
indigo trio - song for ma'at (ma-ah-t) (anaya, 2009)
indigo trio - wheatgrass (anaya, 2009)
mike reed's loose assembly - ghost writer (last year's ghost, 2007)
Jazz Bunker, 24. 03. 2009.
cecil taylor - air (take 5) (the complete candid recordings, 1989)
maria kannegaard trio - camel walk (camel walk, 2009)
maria kannegaard trio - haunted (camel walk, 2009)
michel edelin trio - 2-3-4-5 (kuntu, 2009)
steven bernstein, marcus rojas, kresten osgood - thelonius (tattoos and mushrooms, 2009)
nik bärtsch - modul 27 (rea, 2004)
russ johnson - constantinople (save big, 2005)
steven bernstein, marcus rojas, kresten osgood - the beat-up blues (tattoos and mushrooms, 2009)
maria kannegaard trio - camel walk (camel walk, 2009)
maria kannegaard trio - haunted (camel walk, 2009)
michel edelin trio - 2-3-4-5 (kuntu, 2009)
steven bernstein, marcus rojas, kresten osgood - thelonius (tattoos and mushrooms, 2009)
nik bärtsch - modul 27 (rea, 2004)
russ johnson - constantinople (save big, 2005)
steven bernstein, marcus rojas, kresten osgood - the beat-up blues (tattoos and mushrooms, 2009)
Jazz Bunker, 10. 03. 2009.
mary halvorson trio - old nine two six four two dies (no. 10) (dragon's head, 2008)
gianluca petrella - trinkle, tinkle (indigo 4, 2006)
denman maroney quintet - identity I (identity, 2009)
paolo fresu & uri caine - blood money (think, 2009)
guitto gargle - gris collera (guitto gargle, 2008)
guitto gargle - luxia (guitto gargle, 2008)
misled children & odean pope - bananas foster (the misled children meet odean pope, 2008)
mary halvorson trio - screws loose (no. 8) (dragon's head, 2008)
mary halvorson trio - scant frame (no. 2) (dragon's head, 2008)
nels cline - epiphyllum (coward, 2009)
where they landed - glowing embers (this is, 2009)
gianluca petrella - trinkle, tinkle (indigo 4, 2006)
denman maroney quintet - identity I (identity, 2009)
paolo fresu & uri caine - blood money (think, 2009)
guitto gargle - gris collera (guitto gargle, 2008)
guitto gargle - luxia (guitto gargle, 2008)
misled children & odean pope - bananas foster (the misled children meet odean pope, 2008)
mary halvorson trio - screws loose (no. 8) (dragon's head, 2008)
mary halvorson trio - scant frame (no. 2) (dragon's head, 2008)
nels cline - epiphyllum (coward, 2009)
where they landed - glowing embers (this is, 2009)
Mark Feldman - Secrets (Tzadik, 2009)

Njegov angažman na njujorškoj sceni je usko vezan za Johna Zorna i njegovu izdavačku kuću Tzadik, gde se istakao kao dobar timski igrač i pouzdan solista. Album Secrets donosi prepoznatljiv i ne preterano originalan susret jevrejskog melosa i džeza, ali je odlična hemija između muzičara rezultirala pesmama koje se izdvajaju iz Tzadikovog proseka.
Četvorka koja svira na ovom albumu je impresivna. Pored violiniste Feldmana tu su pijanista Uri Caine, i ritam sekcija koja preko 15 godina čini oslonac Zornove postave Acoustic Masada - kontrabasista Greg Cohen i maestro na bubnjevima Joey Baron.
Neverovatna je lakoća s kojom ovi muzičari od sve samih klišea prave melodije koje ne iritiraju iako smo ih čuli već mnogo puta. Tajna je - po svoj prilici - u velikoj sviračkoj sigurnosti i uigranosti, poznavanju žanrova, ali i raznovrsnosti pesama. Baperski brzaci u kojima se Uri Caine šepuri raskošnim arsenalom tonova zvuče poput spontane improvizacije u klupskom ambijentu, folkerske melodije crpe snagu iz Feldmanove lirične interpretacije, dok su prava poslastica lagane numere u kojima se potpuno gubi džezerska oštrica, a dominira patetični zanos i jednostavnost.
Zamerke na račun ovog albuma nisu uočljive na prvi pogled, ali je jasno da klasično obrazovani muzičari i štreberi poput Marka Feldmana i Uri Cainea ne mogu da sviraju narodnjake poput cigana čergara ili kafanskih muzičara u nekoj bliskoistočnoj zabiti. A ako im već formalno obrazovanje u startu smanjuje kredibilitet, ostaje samo da se nadamo da će krajnji ishod biti u što većoj meri lišen kalkulacija.
Secrets u dobroj meri uspeva da izbegne uobičajena iskušenja i zamke. Feldman i drugari nisu imali ambiciju da naprave remek-delo za sva vremena, već da se opuste pred neke ambicioznije projekte, a takav pristup je, u ovom slučaju, doneo rezultat vredan pažnje.
Gutbucket - A Modest Proposal (Cuneiform, 2009)

Duhovita četvorka iz Bruklina na četvrtom izdanju slavi razuzdani eklekticizam njujorške downtown jazz scene
(nastavak teksta)
Zu - Carboniferous (Ipecac, 2009)

Najpristupačnije izdanje italijanskog trija koji već deset godina uspešno spaja fri džez, pank i metal
(nastavak teksta)
Jazz Bunker, 24. 02. 2009.
borah bergman - quantum (luminescence, 2009)
borah bergman - parallax (luminescence, 2009)
the blue note 7 - mosaic (mosaic: the celebration, 2009)
keith jarrett - shawnuff (yesterdays, 2009)
medeski martin and wood - rolling son (radiolarians 1, 2008)
gerald cleaver, william parker, craig taborn - in trees (farmers by nature, 2009)
mark feldman - kel adon (secrets, 2009)
borah bergman - luma (luminescence, 2009)
borah bergman - parallax (luminescence, 2009)
the blue note 7 - mosaic (mosaic: the celebration, 2009)
keith jarrett - shawnuff (yesterdays, 2009)
medeski martin and wood - rolling son (radiolarians 1, 2008)
gerald cleaver, william parker, craig taborn - in trees (farmers by nature, 2009)
mark feldman - kel adon (secrets, 2009)
borah bergman - luma (luminescence, 2009)
Jazz Bunker, 17. 02. 2009.
the flatlands collective - mission rocker (maatjes, 2009)
the flatlands collective - micro mood (maatjes, 2009)
mark feldman - lubavitcher nigun (secrets, 2009)
aki takase, rudi mahall - moonglow (evergreen, 2009)
enrico rava - outsider (new york days, 2009)
miles davis - it's about that time (cellar door sessions, 1970)
peter brotzmann - teilchencrash (black hole, 2009)
the flatlands collective - druil (maatjes, 2009)
the flatlands collective - micro mood (maatjes, 2009)
mark feldman - lubavitcher nigun (secrets, 2009)
aki takase, rudi mahall - moonglow (evergreen, 2009)
enrico rava - outsider (new york days, 2009)
miles davis - it's about that time (cellar door sessions, 1970)
peter brotzmann - teilchencrash (black hole, 2009)
the flatlands collective - druil (maatjes, 2009)
Jazz Bunker, 10. 02. 2009.
matthew shipp trio - gng (harmonic disorder, 2009)
gutbucket - i am a jelly doughnut (or a comentary on U.S. german relations post WW II) (a modest proposal, 2009)
matthew shipp trio - mel chi 2 (harmonic disorder, 2009)
matthew shipp trio - harmonic disorder (harmonic disorder, 2009)
conference call - next step (poetry in motion, 2008)
doctor structure - peter@heavensgate.org (godot stuck ... in traffic, 2003)
elephant 9 - directions (dodovoodoo, 2008)
blink - the mess (blink, 2008)
gutbucket - side effects may include (a modest proposal, 2009)
gutbucket - i am a jelly doughnut (or a comentary on U.S. german relations post WW II) (a modest proposal, 2009)
matthew shipp trio - mel chi 2 (harmonic disorder, 2009)
matthew shipp trio - harmonic disorder (harmonic disorder, 2009)
conference call - next step (poetry in motion, 2008)
doctor structure - peter@heavensgate.org (godot stuck ... in traffic, 2003)
elephant 9 - directions (dodovoodoo, 2008)
blink - the mess (blink, 2008)
gutbucket - side effects may include (a modest proposal, 2009)
Jazz Bunker - novosti
Početkom februara Jazz Bunker je promenio satnicu. U narednom periodu, ova emisija će biti emitovana utorkom od 14-15h. Program Radija SC se i dalje emituje preko internet stranice www.sczg.hr, a zagrebački studenti koji jedu u menzi Studentskog centra moći će da slušaju moj muzički izbor preko razglasa u vreme ručka!
Jazz Bunker, 03. 02. 2009.
rudresh mahanthappa - looking out, looking in (apti, 2009)
david s. ware - crossing samsara (shakti, 2009)
gutbucket - a little anarchy never hurt anyone (a modest proposal, 2009)
zu - beata viscera (carboniferous, 2009)
john zorn - ineubi (the crucible, 2008)
gutbucket - doppelgänger's requiem (a modest proposal, 2009)
zu - axion (carboniferous, 2009)
bluebridge quartet - spektrum (aerotone, 2007)
valerio cosi - lovely blue cream (collected works, 2008)
briggan krauss, ikue mori, jim black - 61 cygni (h-alpha, 2008)
gutbucket - lucy ferment (a modest proposal, 2009)
enrico rava - count dracula (new york days, 2009)
david s. ware - crossing samsara (shakti, 2009)
gutbucket - a little anarchy never hurt anyone (a modest proposal, 2009)
zu - beata viscera (carboniferous, 2009)
john zorn - ineubi (the crucible, 2008)
gutbucket - doppelgänger's requiem (a modest proposal, 2009)
zu - axion (carboniferous, 2009)
bluebridge quartet - spektrum (aerotone, 2007)
valerio cosi - lovely blue cream (collected works, 2008)
briggan krauss, ikue mori, jim black - 61 cygni (h-alpha, 2008)
gutbucket - lucy ferment (a modest proposal, 2009)
enrico rava - count dracula (new york days, 2009)
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