
Jazz Bunker, 26. 03. 2008.

nik bartsch's ronin - modul 42 (holon, 2008)
nik bartsch's ronin - modul 41-17 (holon, 2008)
cuong vu - accelerated thoughts (vu-tet, 2007)
yoshuke yamashita trio - double helix (chiasma, 1975)
trio braam - de joode - vachter - hotch as ginseng (change this song, 2006)
the microsopic septet - mr.bradley, mr.martin (take the z train, 1983)
steven bernstein – judah (diaspora suite, 2008)
steven bernstein - simeon (yis may chu) (diaspora suite, 2008)
chicago underground duo - falling awake (in praise od shadows, 2006)
ne zhdali and billy tipton memorial sax quartet - wheel of fortune (pollo d’oro, 1998)
powerhouse sound - old dictionary (for bernie worrell) (oslo/chicago: breaks, 2007)
robotobibok – grzybiarz (instytut las, 2003)
susie ibarra - lakbay: gawain ng pamilya 1 (folkloriko, 2004)
susie ibarra – lakbay: ang sayaw (folkloriko, 2004)
kneebody - wide eyed (self-titled, 2005)
jamie saft – tefachim (sovlanut, 2000)
korekyojin – arabesque (self-titled, 1999)
russ johnson – saguache (save big, 2004)
the lounge lizards - the hanging (voice of chunk, 1988)
nik bartsch's ronin - modul 45 (holon, 2008)


Jazz Bunker, 19. 03. 2008.

michael blake - drift (drift, 2001)
doctor nerve - nerveware no. 8 (skin, 1995)
curlew - still (mercury, 2003)
ben allison - talking heads (cowboy justice, 2006)
david s. ware - jazz sci-fi ( corridors & parallels, 2001)
frank gratkowski - part 7 [low] (facio, 2004)
ned rothenberg - raibread (real and imagined time, 1995)
jaco pastorius - vashkar (jaco, 1974)
cuong vu - our bridge (bound, 2000)
jacob fred jazz odissey - grub ridge stomp (all is one, 2002)
12twelve - il monstro (l' univers, 2006)
kidd jordan - forever (palm of soul, 2006)
michel portal - mutinerie (dockings, 2000)
koch, schutz, studer - the burning tongue (life tied, 2004)
matthew shipp - the key (equilibrium, 2003)
steven bernstein - dan (diaspora suite, 2008)
steven bernstein - naphtali (diaspora suite, 2008)
the hub - big mouth (accident)
weird nightmare - work song (meditations on mingus, 1992)
okkyung lee - closed window (nihm, 2005)
kamikaze ground crew - diamonds are just glass (scenic route, 1992)

Jazz Bunker, 12. 03. 2008.

dave douglas - married life (moonshine, 2007)
happy apple - youth oriented (youth oriented, 2003)
zu & mats gustafsson - eating the landscape (how to raise an ox, 2005)
otomo yoshihide's new jazz quintet - solvent waltz (tails out, 2004)
gutbucket - lift cover, pull cord (dry humping the american dream, 2004)
the beat circus - i am not an animal, i am a human being (ringleaders revolt, 2004)
denison-kimball trio - factory loop (soul machine, 1995)
okkyung lee - on a windy day (nihm, 2005)
evan lurie - the glass (how i spent my vacation, 1998)
the claudia quintet - they point...glance...whisper...then_snicker... (semi-formal, 2005)
scotty hard's radical reconstructive surgery - noonday demon (self titled, 2006)
miles davis - two faced (water babies, 1967)
vandermark 5 - friction (for gyorgy ligeti) (beat reader, 2008)
vandermark 5 - new acrylic (for andreas gursky) (beat reader, 2008)
sylvain kassap - botrytis cinerea (strophes, 1998)
chris speed - skipping really high (iffy, 2000)
anderskov accident - fibo ludo (unity of action, 2005)
lucien dubuis trio - insomnie (tovorak, 2005)
trio braam- de joode- vachter- orange oranje (colors, 2002)

Zdravo svima...

Počev od prošle srede, u terminu od 19 do 21h, na zagrebačkom online Radiju SC (www.sczg.hr) se može poslušati moja emisija Jazz Bunker. Evo kratke najave koju sam pripremio povodom emisije:

Jazz glazba je tokom svog impozantnog stogodišnjeg staža prešla dalek put od njuorleanskih početaka do postmodernog 21. veka, u kome su žanrovske stege labavije nego ikad. Nikola Marković za slušatelje Radija SC bira najuzbudljivije što suvremena scena nudi: njujorške i čikaške eklektičare, beskompromisne europljane i avangardne japance, a naći ce se mesta i za pokoju zaboravljenu melodiju zaslužnih veterana.

Za sada će se se emisija sastojati samo od muzike, bez moje govorancije između pesama, a plejliste ću kačiti na ovom blogu, koji sam otvorio upravo tim povodom.

No, kada sam već tu, iskoristiću priliku i da s vremena na vreme prosledim linkove ka tekstovima koje pišem za web magazin Popboks (www.popboks.com), ali i da napišem usput pokoju rečenicu za svoju dušu i blogerski auditorijum.

Toliko za sad. Svratite, raspitujte se, komentarišite...