
Zu - Carboniferous (Ipecac, 2009)

Najpristupačnije izdanje italijanskog trija koji već deset godina uspešno spaja fri džez, pank i metal
(nastavak teksta)

Jazz Bunker, 24. 02. 2009.

borah bergman - quantum (luminescence, 2009)
borah bergman - parallax (luminescence, 2009)
the blue note 7 - mosaic (mosaic: the celebration, 2009)
keith jarrett - shawnuff (yesterdays, 2009)
medeski martin and wood - rolling son (radiolarians 1, 2008)
gerald cleaver, william parker, craig taborn - in trees (farmers by nature, 2009)
mark feldman - kel adon (secrets, 2009)
borah bergman - luma (luminescence, 2009)

Jazz Bunker, 17. 02. 2009.

the flatlands collective - mission rocker (maatjes, 2009)
the flatlands collective - micro mood (maatjes, 2009)
mark feldman - lubavitcher nigun (secrets, 2009)
aki takase, rudi mahall - moonglow (evergreen, 2009)
enrico rava - outsider (new york days, 2009)
miles davis - it's about that time (cellar door sessions, 1970)
peter brotzmann - teilchencrash (black hole, 2009)
the flatlands collective - druil (maatjes, 2009)


Jazz Bunker, 10. 02. 2009.

matthew shipp trio - gng (harmonic disorder, 2009)
gutbucket - i am a jelly doughnut (or a comentary on U.S. german relations post WW II) (a modest proposal, 2009)
matthew shipp trio - mel chi 2 (harmonic disorder, 2009)
matthew shipp trio - harmonic disorder (harmonic disorder, 2009)
conference call - next step (poetry in motion, 2008)
doctor structure - peter@heavensgate.org (godot stuck ... in traffic, 2003)
elephant 9 - directions (dodovoodoo, 2008)
blink - the mess (blink, 2008)
gutbucket - side effects may include (a modest proposal, 2009)


Jazz Bunker - novosti

Početkom februara Jazz Bunker je promenio satnicu. U narednom periodu, ova emisija će biti emitovana utorkom od 14-15h. Program Radija SC se i dalje emituje preko internet stranice www.sczg.hr, a zagrebački studenti koji jedu u menzi Studentskog centra moći će da slušaju moj muzički izbor preko razglasa u vreme ručka!

Jazz Bunker, 03. 02. 2009.

rudresh mahanthappa - looking out, looking in (apti, 2009)
david s. ware - crossing samsara (shakti, 2009)
gutbucket - a little anarchy never hurt anyone (a modest proposal, 2009)
zu - beata viscera (carboniferous, 2009)
john zorn - ineubi (the crucible, 2008)
gutbucket - doppelgänger's requiem (a modest proposal, 2009)
zu - axion (carboniferous, 2009)
bluebridge quartet - spektrum (aerotone, 2007)
valerio cosi - lovely blue cream (collected works, 2008)
briggan krauss, ikue mori, jim black - 61 cygni (h-alpha, 2008)
gutbucket - lucy ferment (a modest proposal, 2009)
enrico rava - count dracula (new york days, 2009)